On the Neural Machinery of Faces

Offered By: MITCBMM via YouTube


Face Recognition Courses

Course Description


Explore the neural mechanisms underlying face recognition in primates through this comprehensive lecture. Delve into the connection between sociality and intelligence, emphasizing the crucial role of face processing in social cognition. Follow the stages of visual processing from the retina to the primary visual cortex, and trace the historical discovery of face-selective cells in the inferotemporal (IT) cortex. Examine the behavior of neurons within the face processing network of the IT cortex, and understand how these specialized cells contribute to our ability to recognize and interpret facial information. Investigate concepts such as receptive fields, information processing transformations, and the debate surrounding grandmother neurons and neural coding. Gain insights into the global organization and functional specializations of the macaque face processing system, and discover how neurons respond to parameterized cartoon faces and specific facial features. This talk by Professor Winrich Freiwald of The Rockefeller University offers a deep dive into the fascinating world of facial neuroscience, bridging the gap between cellular mechanisms and real-world social perception.


Primates are social- and invent cool tools
The story of Ahla (Papio ursinus ruacano)
Structure of Primate Social Knowledge
Primates are interested in faces
Faces elicit automatic emotional, communicative, and cognitive responses
Brain in a vat
Receptive Fields of Cortical Neurons: Primary Visual Cortex
Information Processing: Transformations
Face cells, hierarchies, grandmother and gnostic neurons
The Grandmother Neuron
What is the neural code?
What is a Face?
Facial Communication (and lack thereof)
The Neural Basis of Face Recognition
global organization
face selectivity
The macaque face processing system
functional specializations
A Parameterized Cartoon Face Space
Tuning to Features: an Example Face Cell

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