Finite Hypergraph Families with Rich Extremal Turan Constructions via Mixing Patterns
Offered By: BIMSA via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a comprehensive lecture on finite hypergraph families and their extremal TurĂ¡n constructions through mixing patterns. Delve into advanced combinatorics as presented by Professor Oleg Pikhurko, an esteemed researcher from the University of Warwick. Learn about the intricate connections between extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, descriptive combinatorics, and limits of discrete structures. Gain insights from Pikhurko's extensive academic background, including his experiences at L'viv State University, University of Cambridge, Carnegie Mellon University, and his current role at the University of Warwick. Discover how his research, supported by prestigious grants such as the ERC Starting Grant and Leverhulme Research Project Grant, contributes to the field of mathematics. Engage with cutting-edge concepts in hypergraph theory and extremal combinatorics over the course of this 58-minute presentation hosted by BIMSA.
Oleg Pikhurko: Finite Hypergraph Families with Rich Extremal Turan Constructions via Mixing Patterns
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