Observation of Time-Crystalline Eigenstate Order on a Quantum Processor - Vedika Khemani
Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the concept of time-crystalline eigenstate order in quantum systems through this 40-minute conference talk delivered at the Transport and Efficient Energy Conversion in Quantum Systems Conference at KITP. Delve into the fascinating world of many-body phases out of equilibrium, understanding the nature of time crystals and their manifestation in Floquet systems. Examine the challenges of observing eigenstate-ordered many-body localized discrete time crystals, with a focus on experiments using Google's Sycamore Device. Investigate dynamical signatures, finite-size effects, and the verification of quantum dynamics. Gain insights into the experimental requirements for stable discrete time crystals and explore the diverse "zoo" of time crystal phenomena. This talk bridges theoretical concepts with cutting-edge experimental work, offering a comprehensive overview of recent advances in quantum physics and their implications for energy transport and conversion in non-equilibrium systems.
Many-body phases out-of-equilibrium
What is a time crystal? Space
Floquet (Discrete) Time Crystal
Eigenstate thermalization
Eigenstate Order in a Floquet system
DTC in a driven Ising chain
Observing an eigenstate-ordered MBL DTC: Challenges
Challenge I: DTC on Google's Sycamore Device
Dynamical signatures (simulations)
Challenge IV: Finite size Varying the length of the system
Verification of quantum dynamics
Summary and Outlook
A stable DTC Experimental requirements
A zoo of "time crystals"
Taught by
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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