Notion API - Full Course for Beginners
Offered By: Thomas Frank Explains via YouTube
Course Description
- Introduction
- Project overview
- JavaScript prerequisites or lack thereof
- Companion blog post
- Pokedex project spec
- Pokedex template link
- PokeAPI Introduction
- What is an API?
- Script flow overview
- PokeAPI response example
- Script flow whiteboard diagram
- introduction
- Create a Node.JS starter app
- Starter project tour
- Create index.js
- Create a Notion API integration
- Get your internal integration token
- Create a .env file and add environmental variables
- Get your Notion database ID
- Add you integration to your database
- PokeAPI docs
- Axios library introduction
- Add Axios to package.json
- Side note: Dealing with broken npm packages
- Add the Notion SDK to package.json
- Add require statements to index.js
- Make your first call to PokeAPI
- Get response from PokeAPI
- Log a Pokemon's name
- Create an object definition to contain Pokemon stats
- Log the pokeData object
- Add the pokeData object to your array
- Build the createNotionPage function
- Notion API reference overview
- Create the response variable
- Side Note: Notion API page property values change
- Notion API page property reference
- Title property object structure
- Continue constructing the response variable
- Call the createNotionPage function
- Add logging to the script
- Run the script and send your first call to Notion
- Fetch multiple Pokemon at once with a loop
- API commands overview GET, POST, etc.
- Run the script again and fetch multiple records
- Start refining your data
- Get sprits and artwork from PokeAPI
- Overview of additional information to get from PokeAPI
- Refine the sprite variable
- Create the Pokemon types array
- Create the Bulbapedia URL
- Process and format each Pokemon's name
- MDN Web Docs introduction
- Regular expression references
- Send the refined/additional information to Notion
- Set the Notion page cover and icon
- Add child blocks to each Notion page
- Create a bookmark block for the Bulbapedia URL
- Send another batch of test pages to Notion
- Add missing pieces of information flavor text, generation, etc.
- PokeAPI pokemon-species endpoint overview
- Create another loop to call pokemon-species
- My #1 tip for learning programming and APIs
- Get the English-language flavor text
- Add formatted flavor text to the pokeData object
- Add the category and generation info to the pokeData object
- Add the new information to the Notion API call
- Test the finished script!
- Source code and additional resources
- More Notion resources and templates
Taught by
Thomas Frank Explains
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