Notary v2 Outstanding Issues Working Session

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Conference Talks Courses Prototyping Courses Key Management Courses Container Security Courses OCI Artifacts Courses

Course Description


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Join a working session on Notary v2, a project aimed at revamping container signing infrastructure. Explore the current state of the project, including its support for additional OCI Artifacts like Helm, Singularity, and CNAB. Delve into design decisions related to target scenarios, requirements, and workflows. Understand the prototyping approach, key components such as signatures and key management, and the prototype roadmap. Discuss ongoing design work and address issues concerning registry usage. Engage in face-to-face discussions with experts Justin Cormack from Docker and Steve Lasker from Microsoft in this 34-minute session organized by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).


What: is Notary v2
Notary v2 Requirements
Notary v2 Workflow
Prototyping Approach
Breaking down the pieces
Key management
Prototype Roadmap
More design work
Issues about use of registry

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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