Experimental Physics - II

Offered By: NPTEL via YouTube


Physics Courses Diffraction Courses Experimental Physics Courses Polarization Courses Optical Physics Courses Photoelectric Effect Courses

Course Description


COURSE OUTLINE: Experimental Physics is a fundamental subject to learn by all undergraduate students of science and engineering. There is no books available on this subject, which will cover all the experiments discussed in this course. So the video course on Experimental Physics in teaching form will be easily understandable to students and NPTEL is the suitable platform to spread over the distant students not only the knowledge but also the evaluation of the knowledge providing the certificate. Of course, the online video course on Experimental Physics will definitely compensate the crisis of specialized teacher of this subject in many colleges in our country.


NPTEL: Experimental Physics - II.
Lecture 01 : Introduction.
Lecture 02 : Summary of Experimental Physics - I.
Lecture 03 : Summary of Experimental Physics - I (Contd.).
Lecture 04 : Summary of Experimental Physics - I (Contd.).
Lecture 05 : Summary of Experimental Physics - I (Contd.).
Lecture 06 : Basic analysis.
Lecture 07 : Basic analysis (Contd.).
Lecture 08 : Basic components.
Lecture 09 : Basic components (Contd.).
Lecture 10 : Basic components (Contd.).
Lecture 11 : Basic idea on mirros and lenses and their applications.
Lecture 12 : Determination of focal length of concave mirror.
Lecture 13 : Determination of focal length of concave mirror (Contd.).
Lecture 14 : Determination of focal length of convex mirror.
Lecture 15 : Determination of focal length of convex lens.
Lecture 16 : Determination of focal length of concave lens.
Lecture 17 : Determination of focal length of convex lens by diplacement method.
Lecture 18 : Applications of mirrors and lenses.
Lecture 19 : Determination of refractive index of liquid using travelling microscope.
Lecture 20 : Basic discussion on spectrometer and prism.
Lecture 21 : Basic discussion on spectrometer and prism (contd.).
Lecture 22 : Basic discussion on spectrometer and prism (contd.).
Lecture 23 : Schuster's method.
Lecture 24.
Lecture 25 : Determination of the angle of prism.
Lecture 26.
Lecture 27.
Lecture 28.
Lecture 29.
Lecture 30.
Lecture 31 : Interference phenomena.
Lecture 32 : Interference phenomena (Contd.).
Lecture 33 : Interference phenomena (Contd.).
Lecture 34 : Bi-prism.
Lecture 35 : Bi-prism (contd.).
Lecture 36 : Interference phenomena by Newton ring (Theory).
Lecture 37 : Interference phenomena by Newton ring (experiment).
Lecture 38 : Michelson interferometer (Theory).
Lecture 39 : Michelson interferometer (Experiment).
Lecture 40 : Theory of diffraction.
Lecture 41 : Theory of diffraction (continue).
Lecture 42 : Theory of diffraction (continue).
Lecture 43 : Single slit diffraction.
Lecture 44 : Double slit diffraction.
Lecture 45 : Plane transmission grating.
Lecture 46 : Plane transmission grating (contd.).
Lecture 47 : Theory of polarization.
Lecture 48 : Theory of polarization (contd.).
Lecture 49 : Expt. for Verification of Malus law.
Lecture 50 : Expt. for brewester.
Lecture 51 : Expt. for Brewester angle.
Lecture 52 : Expt. on e-ray & o-ray.
Lecture 53 : Polarimeter.
Lecture 54 : Zone-plate theory.
Lecture 55 : Zone-plate experiment.
Lecture 56 : Theory of photoelectric effect.
Lecture 57 : Experiment on photoelectric effect.
Lecture 58 : Thomson experiment to determine the specific charge of an electron (e/m).
Lecture 60 : Experiment on Rydberg constant.
Lecture 59 : Frank-Hertz experiment.
Lecture 61 : Experiment on Rydberg constant (contd.).

Taught by

IIT Kharagpur July 2018


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