Electronic Theory of Solids

Offered By: NPTEL via YouTube


Physics Courses Magnetism Courses Schrodinger Equation Courses Spintronics Courses Superconductivity Courses Quantum Hall Effect Courses

Course Description


COURSE OUTLINE: The course aims to introduce electronic properties of solids starting from a very simple example: the two-atom solid. Building on this, it develops the theory of electrons in an N-atom solid – the band concept and its application to electrical and thermal properties in solids. The novel electronic concepts related to graphene and carbon nanotubes are discussed. The concept of symmetries and their relevance in emergent electronic properties are also outlined.


Electronic Theory of Solids- Prof. Arghya Taraphder.
Lecture 01: Free electrons: Drude Theory.
Lecture 02: Weidemann Franz Law.
Lecture 03: Drude Model continued: Hall Effect.
Lecture 04: Schrodinger Equation: Boundary Conditions.
Lecture 05: Density of States: Fermi Energy, Fermi Velocity, Density of States in 1D, 2D and 3D.
Lecture 06: Properties of Degenerate Fermi Gas.
Lecture 07:.
Lecture 08:.
Lecture 09:.
Lecture 10: Variational Method: Molecular Orbitals, Bonding and anti-bonding Orbitals.
Lecture 11: Bonding and Band Formation(LCAO).
Lecture 12: Bonding and Band Formation(LCAO) (Contd.).
Lecture 13: Bloch's Theorem.
Lecture 14: Proof of Bloch's Theorem.
Lecture 15: N atoms Solid.
Lecture 16: Brillouin Zones.
Lecture 17: Tight binding: lattice with a basis.
Lecture 18: Fermi Surfaces.
Lecture 19: Lattice with basis:Energy Spectrum.
Lecture 20: Energy spectrum (Contd.).
Lecture 21: Graphene and Fermi Surfaces.
Lecture 22: Fermi Surfaces Instabilities.
Lecture 23: Low Dimensional Systems.
Lecture 24: Integer Quantum Hall Effect (IQHE).
Lecture 25: Integer Quantum Hall Effect Continued.
Lecture 26: Electron in a Strong Magnetic Field and IQHE.
Lecture 27: Spintronics: Introduction and Applications.
Lecture 28: Magnetism.
Lecture 29: Magnetism: Quantum Theory.
Lecture 30: Hund's Rule.
Lecture 31: Curie's Law and Van Vleck Paramagnetism.
Lecture 32: Curie's law for any J, Susceptibility.
Lecture 33: Susceptibility and Thermal Properties.
Lecture 34: Adiabatic Demagnetisation.
Lecture 35: Pauli Paramagnetism.
Lecture 36: Paramagnetism of metals.
Lecture 37: Exchange interaction for 2 electrons.
Lecture 38: Exchange interactions of different types.
Lecture 39: Magnetic Order.
Lecture 40: Magnetic Order of different types & Heisenberg model.
Lecture 41: Ising Model.
Lecture 42: Mean Field Theory.
Lecture 43: Spontaneous magnetisation & 1D Ising Model.
Lecture 44: Symmetries of Ising model, Exact Solution.
Lecture 45: Ferromagnetic Heisenberg Model.
Lecture 46: Ground State & Magnons / Excitations.
Lecture 47: Superconductivity.
Lecture 48: London Equation.
Lecture 49: Meisner Effect from London Equation.
Lecture 50: Cooper problem.
Lecture 51: Instability of the Fermi Surface.
Lecture 52: BCS Theory Introduction.
Lecture 53: BCS Theory, Excitation Spectrum.
Lecture 54: BCS.
Lecture 55: Tunneling and Ginzberg Landau Theory.
Lecture 56: Electrodynamics of Superconductivity.
Lecture 57: Type II superconductors.
Lecture 58: Josephson junction.
Lecture 59: Vortices, SQUID, Quantum Supremacy & Qubits.
Lecture 60: Topological state of matter, XY Model, Topological Insulators.

Taught by

IIT Kharagpur July 2018


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