Black Hole Information Paradox - Discussion with Nishina Asia Prize 2022 Winner

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Quantum Gravity Courses Black Holes Courses Information Theory Courses Theoretical Physics Courses Hawking Radiation Courses Holographic Principle Courses Unitarity Courses

Course Description


Explore a fascinating discussion with Suvrat Raju, recipient of the Nishina Asia Prize 2022, as he delves into complex topics in theoretical physics. Gain insights into Hawking radiation, the principle of unitarity, and the black hole information paradox. Discover the meaning of "information" in quantum physics and understand Hawking's argument for information loss. Learn about the current understanding of the black hole information paradox and Raju's scientific contributions that earned him the prestigious award. Examine the concept of information localization in quantum gravity, the "Island" proposal, and the connection to the holographic principle. Uncover the intricacies of these advanced physics concepts through expert explanations and examples.


Nishina Asia Prize 2022 - A discussion with Suvrat Raju
What is Hawking Radiation? Why is it compared with Black-Body Radiation?
What is the principle of unitarity? How does it relate to the Black-Hole information paradox?
What does the word "Information" refer to in the term "Information Paradox"?
Could you elaborate on Hawking's argument for information loss?
Why doesn't a similar paradox arise for ordinary black bodies?
Could you give another example of a process where the final state appears to have lost information but actually preserves it?
What is the current understanding of the Black-Hole information paradox?
What is the scientific contribution for which you are being awarded the 2022 Nishina Prize?
What was the error in Hawking's argument for information loss?
Why is it that information cannot be localized in Quantum Gravity?
Is it Gravity or is it Quantum Mechanics that leads to this loss of locality?
What is the "Island" proposal?
How does your recent work relate to the "Holographic Principle"?
How long have you been working on these topics and could you tell us more about your collaborators?

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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