Einstein's General Theory of Relativity - Lecture 7

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


General Relativity Courses Gravity Courses Special Relativity Courses Schwarzschild Solution Courses Minkowski Space Courses

Course Description


Explore Einstein's General Theory of Relativity in this comprehensive 2-hour 23-minute lecture by G Srinivasan from the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences. Delve into the physical content of the theory, tracing its development from Newton's laws to Einstein's groundbreaking ideas. Examine key concepts such as the principle of equivalence, gravitational redshift, and light deflection. Learn about the Einstein-Grossmann collaboration, Einstein's field equations, and the Schwarzschild solution. Gain insights into the historical context, including Einstein's "happiest thought" and the 1919 solar eclipse observations. Understand how Einstein's work revolutionized our understanding of gravity, spacetime, and the universe.


Time: AM
Neutron Stars and Black Holes Lecture - 7: Einstein's General Theory of Relativity
The Physical Content of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity
Dining Hall of Trinity College, Cambridge Christmas Recess, 1933
6 November, 1919
Deflection of light by the Sun
Sir J.J. Thompson President, Royal Society
Times 7 November 1919
Ticker Tape Parade for Einstein New York, April, 1921
Newton's Laws of Motion
The Aristotelian view
Inertial Observers
Newton's principle of Relativity
Einstein's Principle of relativity
Results of Special Relativity
Hermann Minkowski
Space-time before Minkowski
Sheets of paper
Minkowski's space-time
Minkowski's spacetime
Einstein was not impressed with Minkowski's ideas.
Newton's gravity inconsistent with special relativity
Henri Poincare
Principle of relativity at odds with gravity
Newton's Principle of Equivalence
Principle of Equivalence
Equality of inertial mass & gravitational mass
"Happiest thought of my life"
A freely falling frame is an inertial frame!
Principle of Equivalence Einstein's 'thought experiments'
Einstein's principle of equivalence: 1907
Gravitational red shift
Deflection of light: 1911
Deflection of light in Newtonian gravity
Deflection of light: 1915
March 1912
ALL acceleration derived from gravitational and inertial forces are 'metrical in origin'
Let us break up Newton's law into two parts:
Einstein's basic premise
1912: Einstein returns to Zurich
Einstein - Grossman collaboration
Einstein's basic premise: 1912
Einstein-Grossmann paper - 1913
Einstein's Laws of gravitation
Newtonian Gravity
In regions where no matter is present
In regions where matter is present
Conservation Laws
Einstein's field equations
Newtonian limit
Einstein-Hilbert field equations
The Schwarzschild Solution
On the Hypotheses which lie at the Bases of Geometry. Bernhard Riemann
Nature and Nature's laws lay hid at night: God said, Let Newton be! and all was light.
Next Lecture - Maximum mass of Neutron Stars

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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