Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
Overview of the Nervous System, Animation
Neuroscience Basics: Neuroglia Functions, Animation.
Membrane Transport, Animation
Membrane Potential, Equilibrium Potential and Resting Potential, Animation
Action Potential in Neurons, Animation.
Neuroscience basics: Synaptic transmission - Chemical synapse, Animation
Neuroscience basics: Neural Integration and Neural Coding, Animation
Neuroscience Basics: Neural Networks and Circuits, Animation
Neuromuscular Junction, Animation
Spinal Cord: Anatomy, Spinal Tracts & Pathways, Somatic Reflexes, Animation
Spinal Cord Injury, Animation
Spina Bifida, Animation
Neuroscience Basics: Human Brain Anatomy and Lateralization of Brain Function, 3D Animation.
Cranial Nerves: Basic Anatomy, Functions, Effects of Damage, and Clinical Tests, Animation
Vagus Nerve - Neuroanatomy and Functions, Animation
Bell's Palsy, Pathophysiology, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment, Animation
Trigeminal Neuralgia (Tic Douloureux), Animation
Blood Brain Barrier, Animation
Neuroplasticity, Animation.
Synaptic Pruning, Animation
Long Term Potentiation and Memory Formation, Animation
Language Pathways and Aphasia, Animation
Neuroscience Basics: Dopamine Reward Pathway, Animation.
Mechanism of Drug Addiction in the Brain, Animation.
Endorphins, Mechanisms of Action, Animation
Neuroscience Basics: GABA and Glutamate, Animation
Neuroscience Basics: GABA Receptors and GABA Drugs, Animation
The Brain's Hunger/Satiety Pathways and Obesity, Animation
Sleep Physiology, Animation
Autonomic Nervous System: Sympathetic vs Parasympathetic, Animation
Baroreflex Regulation of Blood Pressure, Animation.
Micturition Reflex - Neural Control of Urination Animation Video.
Adrenergic Drugs - Pharmacology, Animation
Cholinergic Drugs - Pharmacology, Animation
Swallowing Reflex, Phases and Overview of Neural Control, Animation.
Physiology of Touch: Receptors and Pathways, Animation
Physiology of Pain, Animation.
Gate Control Theory of Pain, Animation
Taste: Anatomy and Physiology, Animation
Olfactory System: Anatomy and Physiology, Pathways, Animation.
Mechanism of Hearing, Animation
The Vestibular System, Animation
Vertigo: Causes, Pathophysiology and Treatments, Animation
Vision: Anatomy and Physiology, Animation
Neuroscience Basics: Anesthesia, How it Works, Animation.
Effects of Exercise on the Brain, Animation
Epilepsy: Types of seizures, Symptoms, Pathophysiology, Causes and Treatments, Animation.
Serotonin and Treatments for Depression, Animation.
Alcohol Effects on the Brain, PATIENT Version, Animation
Effects of Alcohol on the Brain, Animation, Professional version.
Marijuana Effects on the Brain, the Goods and the Bads, Animation.
Opioids Mechanism of Action, Addiction, Dependence and Tolerance, Animation
Methamphetamine (meth) Drug Facts, Animation
Tobacco Addiction: Nicotine and Other Factors, Animation
What is Synesthesia? Animation
Dementia, Animation
Alzheimer's Disease (AD), Pathology and Genetics, Animation.
Parkinson's Disease, Animation
Vascular Dementia Pathology, Animation
Huntington's Disease, Genetics, Pathology and Symptoms, Animation
Cerebral Palsy, Animation
Concussion: Pathophysiology, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment, Animation
Encephalitis, Animation
Meningitis: Pathology, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment, Animation
Brain Stroke, Types of, Causes, Pathology, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention, Animation.
Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis, CVST, Animation
Atrial Fibrillation Anatomy, ECG and Stroke, Animation.
Endovascular Coiling for Brain Aneurysm, Animation.
Flow Diversion for Brain Aneurysm, Animation.
Carotid Stenosis and Carotid Endarterectomy, Animation
Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) and Embolization Treatment, Animation.
Motor Neuron Disease, Animation
Multiple Sclerosis, Animation
Diabetic Neuropathy, Animation
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS), Animation
Sciatica: signs and symptoms, causes, treatment, animation
Piriformis Syndrome versus Sciatica, Animation.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Animation
Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments, Animation
Schizophrenia: Symptoms, Cause, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatments, Animation.
Autism Spectrum, Animation
Taught by
Alila Medical Media
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