.NET and Containers - Each Layer of Abstraction Indistinguishable from Magic
Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the layers of abstraction that make software and .NET possible in this conference talk by Scott Hanselman at NDC Sydney. Dive into the journey from IL to machine code, creating a new application on bare metal, moving to a virtual environment, creating containers, deploying to Windows and Linux, implementing Ahead-of-Time (AoT) compilation, deploying to WebAssembly (WASM), and ultimately to any cloud. Gain insights into the magic of software development as Hanselman unravels the complexities of .NET and containers, demonstrating how each layer of abstraction contributes to the versatility and power of modern software systems.
.NET and Containers - each layer of abstraction indistinguishable from magic - Scott Hanselman
Taught by
NDC Conferences
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