Navigating Paved Paths with an Innersource CI/CD Capability Map

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


CI/CD Courses Software Development Courses DevOps Courses Enterprise Architecture Courses Continuous Integration Courses InnerSource Courses

Course Description


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Explore the concept of a CI/CD capability map in this 20-minute conference talk by David Kuster from Comcast. Learn how this approach documents CI and CD building blocks, identifies paved path solutions within an enterprise, and enables developers to understand where to start or progress in their CI/CD journey. Discover how Comcast utilizes this technique in their heterogeneous environment to provide guidance on standard practices and tools, highlight areas for improvement, and indicate capabilities in research or experimental stages. Gain insights into how teams can enhance their CI/CD pipelines and practices, and understand how this knowledge contributes to automating the addition of capabilities to new and existing pipelines.


Navigating Paved Paths with an Innersource CI/CD Capability Map - David Kuster, Comcast

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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