Nation-State Espionage - Hunting Multi-Platform APTs on a Global Scale

Offered By: RSA Conference via YouTube


RSA Conference Courses Cybersecurity Courses Threat Intelligence Courses Espionage Courses Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) Courses Cyber Warfare Courses

Course Description


Explore the evolving landscape of cyber-warfare and nation-state espionage in this 47-minute conference talk from RSA Conference. Delve into the world of advanced persistent threats (APTs) as Michael Flossman, Head of Threat Intelligence at Lookout, and Eva Galperin, Director of Cybersecurity at Electronic Frontier Foundation, uncover a global nation-state actor exploiting targets across multiple platforms, including mobile devices. Learn how Lookout and EFF uncovered this threat, discover the tools, techniques, and procedures used to conceal the actor's identity for years, and gain insights into how a nation-state not typically known for its cyber capabilities is operating in this space. Understand the profitability of cyber-warfare and its impact on lesser-resourced nations entering the arena.


Nation-State Espionage: Hunting Multi-Platform APTs on a Global Scale

Taught by

RSA Conference

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