NanoPi R6S - Wireguard and OpenVPN Throughput Test

Offered By: Van Tech Corner via YouTube


WireGuard Courses OpenVPN Courses OpenWRT Courses

Course Description


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Explore the VPN performance of the NanoPi R6S with Wireguard and OpenVPN in this comprehensive video tutorial. Learn how to upgrade firmware, install and configure VPN packages, and conduct throughput tests using OpenSpeedTest and iperf3. Follow along as the process of setting up Wireguard and OpenVPN on FriendlyWrt (OpenWrt 22.03.2) is demonstrated step-by-step. Gain insights into the device's performance with 2.5Gbps link speeds and examine detailed test results for both VPN protocols. The tutorial also covers installation of necessary packages, configuration through LuCI interface, and analysis of performance metrics including RAM usage, CPU utilization, and temperature. Whether you're a networking enthusiast or looking to optimize your VPN setup, this video provides valuable information on the NanoPi R6S capabilities and practical guidance for implementation.


- Intro
- Network diagram of the test
- Upgrade the NanoPi R6S Firmware FriendlyWrt
- NanoPi R6S with OpenWrt 22.03.2 and Argon theme
- Install OpenVPN and Wireguard packages
- Configure Wireguard VPN on LuCI
- R6S Wireguard Throughput - OpenSpeedTest
- R6S Wireguard Throughput - iperf3
- Configure OpenVPN
- R6S OpenVPN Throughput - OpenSpeedTest
- R6S OpenVPN Throughput - iperf3 parallel streams
- R6S OpenVPN Throughput - iperf3 single stream
- The luci-app-statistics chart after the test RAM, CPU, Temperature

Taught by

Van Tech Corner

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