Music Theory for Guitar
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
More than 100 videos teaching intervals, scales, keys, triads and a large range of chords, plus more.
Music Theory for Guitar - Intervals.
Music Theory for Guitar – String Intervals.
Music Theory for Guitar – Interval Shapes.
Music Theory for Guitar – Octaves.
Music Theory for Guitar – Unison Notes.
Music Theory for Guitar – Musical Alphabet & Chromatic Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar – The Major Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar – Major Scale Intervals.
Music Theory for Guitar – Major Scale Patterns.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale - Upper Intervals.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale – Patterns vs Positions.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale – Fretboard Insight.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Keys.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Keys - Construction, Keys, Sharps & Flats.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Keys - How to Find Sharps & Flats.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Triads.
Music Theory for Guitar - Minor Triads.
Music Theory for Guitar - Diminished Triads.
Music Theory for Guitar - Augmented Triads.
Music Theory for Guitar - Triads - Major, Minor, Diminished, Augmented.
Music Theory for Guitar - Triads Shapes on All String Sets.
Music Theory for Guitar - Triad Inversions.
Music Theory for Guitar - Triads Inversions Vertical.
Music Theory for Guitar - Augmented Triads Inversions.
Music Theory for Guitar - Diatonic Major Scale Triads.
Music Theory for Guitar - Harmonized Major Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Chord Progressions.
Music Theory for Guitar - How to Find the Key of a Chord Progression (song).
Music Theory for Guitar - Open Triads.
Music Theory for Guitar - Harmonized Major Scale (Triads).
Music Theory for Guitar - Harmonized Major Scale (Intervals).
Music Theory for Guitar - 7th Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - 7th Chords Construction.
Music Theory for Guitar - Close Position 7th Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Drop 2 Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Drop 3 Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Diminished 7th Chord Inversions.
Music Theory for Guitar – Major 7th to Diminished 7th.
Music Theory for Guitar - Diatonic Major Scale 7th Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Harmonized Major Scale with 7th Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Harmonized Major Scale with Drop Chords.
Music Theory For Guitar - Chord Progressions 7th Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Find Key of Song (with 7th Chords).
Music Theory for Guitar - Relative minor Scale & Chord Progressions.
Music Theory for Guitar - Shell Voicings.
Music Theory for Guitar - Harmonized Major Scale with Shell Voicings.
Music Theory for Guitar - Drop 2 & 4 Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale I Chords & Construction.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale I Chords Fingerings.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale ii Chords & Construction.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale ii Chords Fingerings.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale iii Chords & Construction.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale IV Chords & Construction.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale V Chords & Construction.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale V Chords Fingerings.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale vi Chords & Construction.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale vii Chords & Construction.
Music Theory for Guitar - Suspended Chords (sus, sus2, sus4).
Music Theory for Guitar - Power Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - More on Major Scale Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Chord Progressions (More Chord Options).
Music Theory for Guitar - Slash Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Chord Progressions with Borrowed Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Chord Progressions with Secondary Dominants.
Music Theory for Guitar - Basic Blues Chord Progressions.
Music Theory for Guitar - Chord Families.
Music Theory for Guitar - More Non Diatonic Chord Progressions.
Music Theory for Guitar - Key Modulation.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Modes.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Modes in Series.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Modes in Parallel.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Modes (Ionian).
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Modes (Dorian).
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Modes (Phrygian).
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Modes (Lydian).
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Modes (Mixolydian).
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Modes (Aeolian).
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Scale Modes (Locrian).
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Modes.
Music Theory for Guitar - Minor Modes.
Music Theory for Guitar - Mode Scale Patterns.
Music Theory for Guitar - Solo with Modes Over Major Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Solo with Modes Over Minor Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Solo with Modes Over m7b5 Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Solo with Modes Diatonic Chord Progressions.
Music Theory for Guitar - Solo with Modes Non-Diatonic Progressions.
Music Theory for Guitar - Modal Chord Progressions.
Music Theory for Guitar - Minor Pentatonic Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major Pentatonic Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major vs Minor Pentatonic Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar - Major & Minor Pentatonics from Modes.
Music Theory for Guitar - Advanced Soloing Minor Pentatonic Scales.
Music Theory for Guitar - Advanced Soloing Major Pentatonic Scales.
Music Theory for Guitar - Soloing with Minor Pentatonic over m7b5.
Music Theory for Guitar - Mode Pentatonic Scales.
Music Theory for Guitar - Arpeggios.
Music Theory for Guitar - How to Solo with Arpeggios.
Music Theory for Guitar - The Blues Scales.
Music Theory for Guitar - Melodic Minor Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar - Melodic Minor Chords & Modes.
Music Theory for Guitar - Harmonic Minor Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar - Harmonic Minor Chords & Modes.
Music Theory for Guitar - Minor Scales Comparison.
Music Theory for Guitar - Whole Half Diminished Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar - Harmonized Whole Half Diminished Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar - Half Whole Diminished Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar - Harmonized Half Whole Diminished Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar - Diminished Scales.
Music Theory for Guitar - Diminished 7th Chords (Dim7).
Music Theory for Guitar - Whole Tone Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar - Harmonized Whole Tone Scale.
Music Theory for Guitar - Augmented Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Advanced Pentatonic Scales.
Music Theory for Guitar - Upper Interval Shapes.
Music Theory for Guitar - Stacked Intervals Chords.
Music Theory for Guitar - Chord Synonyms.
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Move Forward Guitar
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