Multiscale Network Renormalization - Scale-Invariance Without Geometry

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Data Analysis Courses Graph Theory Courses Complex Systems Courses Probability Theory Courses Statistical Physics Courses

Course Description


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Explore the concept of multiscale network renormalization and its implications for scale-invariance without geometry in this lecture by Diego Garlaschelli. Delve into advanced topics in network science, including structural properties of random graphs, dynamics on networks, and interacting particle systems. Gain insights into the applications of probability theory, computer science, optimization techniques, and statistics in real-world scenarios. Examine the intersection of random matrices, statistical physics, and related fields as part of the NETWORKS program, a collaborative initiative between Dutch and Indian researchers. Discover how these theoretical aspects apply to finance, large data set analysis, rare event modeling, and social networks.


Multiscale Network Renormalization: Scale-invariance Without Geometry by Diego Garlaschelli

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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