Morpho-elasticity of Thin Living Structures
Offered By: Institut Henri Poincaré via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating world of morpho-elasticity in thin living structures through this 47-minute lecture by Martine Ben Amar from Ecole Normale Supérieure and Sorbonne Université. Delve into the ubiquity of thin structures in nature, particularly in botany and animal biology. Discover how the complexity of finite-elasticity with growth is simplified in these systems, focusing on adapting elasticity to specific geometries. Examine two case studies of growing epithelia: the cyst formed by pluripotent stem cells and the wing of genetically mutated drosophila imaginal discs. Learn how a classical model of a growing spherical shell accurately reproduces stem cell assembly proliferation dynamics over 10 days with minimal stress. Understand the application of Von-Karman-Ciarlet modeling with growth in explaining local bilayer collapse in drosophila wings. Gain insights from cutting-edge research in morpho-elasticity, including references to recent scientific publications in the field.
Morpho-elasticity of thin living structures
Taught by
Institut Henri Poincaré
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