Sphere Geometry and Complex Analysis - Algebraic Topology Lecture 4

Offered By: Insights into Mathematics via YouTube


Algebraic Topology Courses Complex Analysis Courses Projective Geometry Courses Riemann Surfaces Courses Spherical Geometry Courses

Course Description


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Delve into advanced concepts of spherical geometry and complex analysis in this fourth lecture of the Algebraic Topology series. Explore inversive geometry on both the plane and sphere, and discover the Riemann sphere model of the complex plane with a point at infinity. Learn about the sphere as the projective line over rational complex numbers, and gain insights into Riemann surfaces and their topological explanations. Examine transformations of the Riemann sphere and understand the connection between inversive geometry and complex analysis. Suitable for those with a strong foundation in mathematics seeking to expand their knowledge of algebraic topology and complex geometry.


More aspect on the sphere
Inversive geometry
The Inversive Plane
Riemann Sphere and Complex analysis
A transformation of the Riemann sphere
Riemann Surface
Topological explanation
Sphere of the projective line over the complex numbers

Taught by

Insights into Mathematics

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