Modernizing Enterprise Java

Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube


GOTO Conferences Courses Containers Courses Cloud-Native Development Courses Monolithic Applications Courses

Course Description


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Explore key strategies for modernizing Java applications in this GOTO Book Club interview featuring Markus Eisele and Natale Vinto, authors of "Modernizing Enterprise Java," and Ana-Maria Mihalceanu, developer advocate at Red Hat. Learn about migrating monolithic apps to cloud-native models, when to maintain a monolithic structure, and how to navigate the transition to cloud-native architecture. Discover the impact of containers on development speed and deployment, recent Java improvements for developer productivity, and how containers facilitate work across different technologies. Address common misconceptions about cloud-native development and gain insights into creating Java applications ready for real-world challenges in the age of microservices and cloud computing.


Steps to migrating your monolithic app to a cloud native model
When is the monolithic application better?
A concise cloud native guide
Tackling the transition from a traditional app to a cloud native app
How containers affect the speed of app development & deployment
Java improvements that help with developer productivity
How containers can help when working on different technologies
Misconceptions about cloud native

Taught by

GOTO Conferences

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