Modern x64 Assembly
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
Modern x64 Assembly 1: Beginning Assembly Programming
Modern x64 Assembly 2: 16 Bit Registers
Modern x64 Assembly 3: 32 and 64 bit Registers
Modern x64 Assembly 4: Data Types
Modern x64 Assembly 5: MOV and LEA
Modern x64 Assembly 6: ADD, SUB INC and DEC
Modern x64 Assembly 7: Boolean (Bool) Logical Instructions in x86 x64 8086 ASM
Modern x64 Assembly 8: Shift, Rotate and Bit Manipulation Instructions
Modern x64 Assembly 9: The rFlags Register (Flags, pushfq, popfq, pushf, popf)
Modern x64 Assembly 10: Conditional Jumps, Moves and Set Byte
Modern x64 Assembly 11: Division with the DIV and IDIV Instructions
Modern x64 Assembly 12: C Calling Convention (Passing Parameters)
Modern x64 Assembly 13: Control Structures (If statements, do while, while and for loops)
Modern x64 Assembly 14: Structures in ASM and C++
Modern x64 Assembly 15: Introduction to SIMD
Modern x64 Assembly 16: Basic SIMD Floating Point Arithmetic
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