Modern UI Test Automation with Selenium Libraries

Offered By: JetBrains via YouTube


Selenium Courses Java Courses Gradle Courses Continuous Integration Courses End-to-end testing Courses Fluent API Courses

Course Description


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Explore modern approaches to UI test automation using Selenium and Java in this comprehensive live stream. Learn how to set up and maintain end-to-end tests effectively, covering topics such as the Selenium ecosystem, WebDriver Manager, modern APIs, and the Page Object Pattern. Discover techniques for creating new projects, configuring tests, and running Selenium on CI. Gain insights from speaker Yuriy Artamonov, a seasoned developer and member of the JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA team, as he demonstrates practical examples and shares his expertise in UI automation for web and mobile testing.


Testing Ecosystem
Selenium Ecosystem
Create a new project
WebDriver Manager
Modern APIs
Create New Test
Open Web Browser
Open Development Tools
Show Selenium Element
Switch to Firefox
Configuration class
Failed tests
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium Element
Fluent APIs
Simple Configuration
External Configuration
Page Object Pattern
Page Object Generator
Web Browser
Running Selenium on CI
Running Selenium Solenoid

Taught by

IntelliJ IDEA by JetBrains


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