Modeling the Distributional Epidemic-Economic Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Offered By: Santa Fe Institute via YouTube


Agent-Based Models Courses Statistical Analysis Courses Policy Analysis Courses

Course Description


Explore a 34-minute conference talk by Marco Pangallo from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna on modeling the distributional epidemic-economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Dive into complexity economics models and their advantages in analyzing the economic impact of the pandemic. Learn about a data-driven, granular, Agent-Based Model that simulates epidemic and economic outcomes across industries, occupations, and income levels. Discover key findings on the relationship between fear of infection, restrictions, and economic outcomes, particularly for low-income workers. Examine the effects of closing different types of industries and the timing of protective measures. Gain insights into designing effective and equitable non-pharmaceutical interventions to minimize disruptions during novel pandemics.


Modeling the distributional epidemic-ec
Complexity economics modeling
Our work in context
A bird's eye view on the epidemic-economic ABM
Epidemic ABM
Empirical scenario
only close customer-facing industr
equivalence bw closure and fe
waiting damages both health & eco

Taught by

Santa Fe Institute


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