Modeling in Blender for Complete Beginners

Offered By: Joey Carlino via YouTube


Blender Courses 3d Modeling Courses Texturing Courses Low-Poly Modeling Courses

Course Description


Learn the basics of 3D modeling in Blender by creating a low-poly cafe in this comprehensive tutorial video. Start with fundamental concepts like edit mode, vertex selection, and essential tools such as extrude, bevel, and inset. Progress through advanced techniques including subdivision surface modifiers, mirror modifiers, and edge splitting. Apply these skills to model various cafe elements like tables, stools, mugs, and an espresso machine. Explore image references, camera positioning, and basic materials and lighting to bring your scene to life. By the end of this hands-on tutorial, gain a solid foundation in Blender modeling techniques and create a charming low-poly cafe scene from scratch.


- Setup
- Edit mode
- Vertex, edge, face select
- Tools
- Extrude
- Bevel
- Inset
- Loop Cut
- Quads
- Knife
- Bisect
- Poly build
- Spin
- Subdivide
- Smooth
- Shrink / fatten
- Normals
- Shear
- To sphere
- Extra extrude tips
- Extrude along normals
- Extrude individual faces
- Extrude manifold
- Extrude to cursor
- Bevel profile shape
- Poke faces / triangulate
- Vertex slide
- Proportional editing
- Deleting and filling
- Separate and join
- Selecting tips
- Pivot point
- Bridge faces
- Merging
- Subdivision surface modifier
- Mirror modifier
- Applying modifiers
- Crate model
- Cafe building
- Image references
- Cash register
- Lamps
- Table
- Stool
- Carafe
- Plate
- Mug
- Vase
- Flower
- Vent
- Apple
- Apple box
- Counter
- Espresso machine
- Bicycle
- Edge split
- Camera
- Final position
- Materials and lights
- Render

Taught by

Joey Carlino

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