Mobile Automation With Robot Framework and Appium
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
Learn to automate mobile applications on Android using Robot Framework and Appium in this comprehensive tutorial series. Master the installation and configuration of the automation environment, including Robot Framework, Appium, and Android Studio. Create Android emulators on Windows, inspect elements using uiautomatorviewer, and develop automation scripts for Android applications. Explore topics such as opening applications with AppiumLibrary, locating interface elements, automating login processes, creating user-defined keywords, implementing condition statements, configuring Appium server capabilities, executing parallel tests, and automating a chat application.
Mobile Automation Tutorial Intro.
Robot Framework And Appium - Install Environment On Windows.
Robot Framework And Appium - Configure Devices And Emulators.
Robot Framework And Appium - Open Application - AppiumLibrary.
Robot Framework And Appium - Locate Elements On Android Interface.
Robot Framework And Appium - Automate The Login Process.
Robot Framework And Appium - Creating User Defined Keywords.
Robot Framework And Appium - Condition Statements Inside Keywords.
Robot Framework And Appium - Appium server capabilities and parallel executions.
Robot Framework And Appium - How To Automate A Chat Application.
Taught by
Robot Framework Tutorials
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