Mission to Mars - Exploring New Worlds with AWS IoT

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Data Visualization Courses Robotics Courses Secure Communication Courses Remote Device Management Courses

Course Description


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Embark on a 40-minute journey exploring the capabilities of AWS IoT through a Mars robot simulation. Build a simple robot, connect to it remotely, and receive data and send instructions over the internet, mirroring the Pathfinder spacecraft and Sojourner Mars rover mission. Witness a live demo where the robot explores the session room, transmitting various sensor data visualized in a web UI. Discover the Amazon IoT platform's features, including secure communication APIs, a rules engine, and 'device shadow' functionality for offline status retrieval. Learn how to connect devices to the cloud in this free, small-scale demonstration led by Jeroen Resoort, an experienced Enterprise Java Developer passionate about coding, learning, and knowledge sharing.


Mission to Mars: Exploring new worlds with AWS IoT by Jeroen Resoort

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