Michael Farber - Topological Complexity of Spherical Bundles

Offered By: Applied Algebraic Topology Network via YouTube


Topological Complexity Courses Algebraic Topology Courses Vector Bundles Courses

Course Description


Explore the concept of parametrized motion planning algorithms and their application to spherical bundles in this comprehensive lecture. Delve into the problem of understanding the parametrized topological complexity of sphere bundles, examining how characteristic classes of vector bundles contribute to finding solutions. Gain insights into the flexibility and universality offered by these algorithms. Analyze specific examples to reinforce your understanding of the topic. This talk, presented by Michael Farber, provides a deep dive into advanced concepts in applied algebraic topology, suitable for those with a strong background in mathematics and topology.


Michael Farber (2/24/22): Topological complexity of spherical bundles

Taught by

Applied Algebraic Topology Network

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