Micro-Frontends with Module Federation and Angular

Offered By: ng-conf via YouTube


ng-conf Courses Angular Courses Team Collaboration Courses Module Federation Courses

Course Description


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Explore the concept of using multiple frameworks or framework versions in a single application through this conference talk from the Reliable Web Summit 2021. Discover strategies, pitfalls, workarounds, and trade-offs for implementing micro-frontends with Module Federation and Angular. Learn from real-world case studies based on experiences with banks, insurance companies, and major software vendors. Gain insights into gradually migrating technologies, incorporating work from different teams, and scaling development quickly. Understand how Module Federation and Angular Elements can be leveraged to address these complex scenarios. Benefit from the expertise of Manfred Steyer as he shares valuable findings from helping multiple customers evaluate and implement such solutions.


MFEs , Micro-Frontends with Module Federation and Angular| Manfred Steyer | Reliable Web Summit 2021

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