Method of Moments Topics
Offered By: Statistics is Fun A.H via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the Method of Moments (MME) estimation technique for various probability distributions in this 30-minute tutorial. Dive into the application of MME for gamma, uniform, normal, binomial, and Pareto distributions. Learn how to estimate parameters for each distribution, including specific cases like estimating both n and p for the binomial distribution. Gain practical insights by examining past B.Sc. exam papers from 2009, 2014, and 2016. Enhance your understanding of statistical estimation methods and their implementation across different probability models.
Method of moments (MME) of gamma distribution.
Method of moments (M.M.E) for uniform distribution.( past paper 3 2009,2014,2016).
M.M.E for normal distribution (mu and sigma).
Method of moments estimation (MME) for binomial distribution when both parameter n and p are unknown.
Method of moments estimator of Pareto distribution.
Taught by
Statistics is Fun A.H
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