Measurement Induced Entanglement Transitions in Quantum Circuits with Decoherence - Ehud Altman

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Quantum Circuits Courses Statistical Physics Courses Numerical Simulations Courses Decoherence Courses

Course Description


Explore measurement-induced entanglement transitions in quantum circuits with decoherence in this 44-minute conference talk by Ehud Altman from the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics. Delve into the comparison between classical and quantum thermalization, and examine hybrid quantum circuits exhibiting measurement-induced phase transitions. Learn techniques for characterizing trajectory ensembles and discover the intrinsic dynamical symmetry. Investigate the mapping to an effective classical "spin model" and understand the logarithmic negativity as a measure of tri-partite entanglement. Analyze the Page transition in negativity for random and thermal states, as well as in random unitary circuits. Examine numerical simulations of Clifford circuits and explore the infinite bath volume law phase. Gain insights into non-equilibrium many-body physics and universal aspects of far-from-equilibrium systems at the intersection of statistical physics, AMO, condensed matter, and high-energy physics.


Classical versus quantum thermalization
Measurement induced phase transition in hybrid quantum circuits
How to characterize the ensemble of trajectories
Intrinsic dynamical symmetry
Mapping to an effective classical "spin model"
Logarithmic negativity - a measure of tri-partite entanglement
Page transition in negativity of random states (thermal states)
Negativity page transition in random unitary circuits
Numerical simulation of a Clifford circuit
The infinite bath volume law phase

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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