Matthias Mnich - Time- and Space-Optimal Algorithms for the Many-Visits TSP

Offered By: Hausdorff Center for Mathematics via YouTube


Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) Courses Algorithm Design Courses Theoretical Computer Science Courses Combinatorial Optimization Courses Time Complexity Courses Space Complexity Courses

Course Description


Explore an advanced lecture on the many-visits traveling salesperson problem (MV-TSP) and its algorithmic solutions. Delve into the intricacies of this combinatorial optimization problem, which requires finding an optimal tour of cities with multiple visits. Learn about the applications of MV-TSP in scheduling, geometric approximation, and graph theory. Examine the Cosmadakis-Papadimitriou algorithm and its limitations, then discover a groundbreaking single-exponential time algorithm with output-linear space. Understand the significance of this improvement in terms of time and space complexity, and its implications for solving large-scale MV-TSP instances. Follow the lecturer's step-by-step explanation of the problem formulation, algorithm development, and complexity analysis. Gain insights into advanced topics such as single-machine scheduling, TSP formulations, and runtime improvements. This in-depth exploration of cutting-edge algorithms for the MV-TSP is ideal for researchers and practitioners in combinatorial optimization and computer science.


Single-machine scheduling with few job classes
A TSP formulation
Previous work
The algorithm by Cosmadakis & Papadimitriou, SICOMP 1984
A first simple algorithm
Formulating the improved algorithm
The improved algorithm / 2
Complexity analysis
Final run time improvements / 1

Taught by

Hausdorff Center for Mathematics

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