The Bunkbed Conjecture Debunked - A Counterexample with 7222 Vertices

Offered By: Dr Trefor Bazett via YouTube


Graph Theory Courses Discrete Mathematics Courses Combinatorics Courses Mathematical Proofs Courses Hypergraphs Courses

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Explore a groundbreaking development in probabilistic graph theory in this 15-minute video by Dr. Trefor Bazett. Learn about the recent disproval of the famous bunkbed conjecture, featuring a surprising counterexample with 7,222 vertices. Delve into the details of the main paper by Gladkov, Pak, and Zimin, and discover related works including Wagner's machine learning algorithm and Hollom's hypergraph generalization. Gain insights from Igor Pak's blog posts, which offer a more colloquial explanation of the paper and discuss the value of searching for counterexamples to conjectures. This video provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of this significant mathematical breakthrough, suitable for those interested in graph theory and mathematical problem-solving.


Math News: The Bunkbed conjecture was just debunked!!!!!!!

Taught by

Dr. Trefor Bazett

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