Math for Society
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
Explore essential mathematical concepts and their real-world applications in this 90-minute lecture covering misleading graphs, convex regions, compactness measures, polling bias, expected value, compound interest, exponential and linear functions, and logarithms. Learn how to critically analyze data representations, understand geometric principles in political districting, evaluate statistical information, calculate financial projections, and master fundamental mathematical operations crucial for informed decision-making in various societal contexts.
Misleading Graphs.
Convex regions and convex hulls.
Compactness: Polsby-Popper vs. Schwartzberg.
Polls and Bias.
Expected Value.
Sam’s Ski Shop and Expected Profit.
Compound Interest.
Exponential Fns (and Linear Fns).
Logarithms: Introduction.
Combining Logs and Exponents.
Log Rules.
Taught by
Linda Green
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