Mastering Windows Monitoring in Kubernetes Environments

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Kubernetes Courses Windows Courses Grafana Courses Prometheus Courses

Course Description


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Explore Windows monitoring in Kubernetes environments through this conference talk by Mansi Kulkarni and Kanika Rana from Red Hat. Learn how to leverage HostProcess containers on Windows nodes to deploy the Windows exporter as a host process pod. Dive into various metric collectors, their functionalities, and utilization. Follow a step-by-step implementation of the Windows exporter, configuration of a ServiceMonitor, and deployment of a Prometheus instance. Understand the differences in monitoring approaches between Windows and Linux machines. Complete the monitoring experience by analyzing collected metrics using a Grafana dashboard, providing developers with practical solutions for tracking Windows performance in Kubernetes clusters.


Mastering Windows Monitoring in Kubernetes Environments - Mansi Kulkarni & Kanika Rana, Red Hat

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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