Mastering Testcontainers

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Integration Testing Courses Testcontainers Courses

Course Description


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Explore advanced features of Testcontainers libraries in this 52-minute conference talk from Devoxx. Dive deep into creating reliable environments for integration tests using programmable, lightweight, and disposable containers. Learn sophisticated techniques for debugging container operations, constructing complex service topologies, and migrating from Docker Compose. Discover how to leverage Testcontainers for local development alongside integration testing, and uncover the benefits of the reusable mode. Gain valuable insights to enhance your test suite and improve software reliability, whether you're an experienced practitioner or new to integration testing. Presented by Java Champion Oleg Šelajev, a developer advocate at AtomicJar and VirtualJUG leader.


Mastering Testcontainers by Oleg Šelajev

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