Mastering AWS - NAT Gateway Setup in Your VPC - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Offered By: Rahul Wagh via YouTube


Amazon Web Services (AWS) Courses Cloud Computing Courses Subnets Courses Route Tables Courses VPC Courses NAT Gateways Courses

Course Description


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Learn how to set up a NAT Gateway in your AWS VPC with this step-by-step tutorial. Create a VPC from scratch, design public and private subnets, deploy EC2 instances, and configure a NAT Gateway for secure internet access. Follow along as the instructor guides you through each process, including VPC creation, subnet setup, Internet Gateway configuration, route table updates, NAT Gateway deployment, and EC2 instance setup. Gain practical experience in cloud networking and enhance your AWS skills through this hands-on video tutorial suitable for students, cloud enthusiasts, and IT professionals looking to expand their knowledge of AWS infrastructure.


- Intro to NAT Gateway
- VPC Creation
- Public & Private Subnet Setup
- Setup Internet Gateway
- Update route table
- Setup NAT Gateway
- Update routes for NAT Gateway
- Setup EC2
- Test NAT Gateway

Taught by

Rahul Wagh

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