Perfect t-Embedding of Uniformly Weighted Hexagon

Offered By: Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) via YouTube


Mathematics Courses Graph Theory Courses Probability Theory Courses Algebraic Geometry Courses Vertex Models Courses

Course Description


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Explore a 45-minute lecture on the perfect t-embedding of uniformly weighted hexagons presented by Marianna Russkikh from the University of Notre Dame. Recorded on May 20, 2024, at the Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA, this talk is part of the Vertex Models: Algebraic and Probabilistic Aspects of Universality Workshop. Delve into advanced mathematical concepts and their applications in the field of vertex models. Gain insights into the properties and significance of t-embeddings in relation to uniformly weighted hexagons. Suitable for researchers, mathematicians, and graduate students interested in pure and applied mathematics, this lecture offers a deep dive into a specialized topic within the broader context of algebraic and probabilistic aspects of universality in vertex models.


Marianna Russkikh - Perfect t-embedding of uniformly weighted hexagon - IPAM at UCLA

Taught by

Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM)

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