How to Deal with 3rd Party JS

Offered By: JSConf via YouTube


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Explore techniques for managing third-party JavaScript in modern web development at this JSConf Iceland 2016 talk. Dive deep into the challenges of integrating multiple JavaScript components from various sources while maintaining performance and user experience. Learn about the AMP project's approach to supporting third-party scripts, and discover rarely explored corners of the JavaScript language. Gain insights into parsing web pages, asynchronous APIs, and the impact of autoplay on mobile devices. Examine security considerations, resource management, and strategies for clean unloading of components. Enhance your understanding of JavaScript's capabilities and limitations in handling complex web ecosystems.


JavaScript is my favorite programming language.
JavaScript is frickin awesome
When your app starts, it makes an insecure HTTP request to my server and runs some arbitrary native code.
Flash movies reduce their frame rate when off screen.
I can use Flash to measure whether something is on screen.
1x1 pixel flash movies are a thing
How does a browser parse a web page?
Every JavaScript API will eventually be asynchronous.
TECHNOLOGY LAB Native JavaScript H.264 decoder offers compelling demo of JS performance Mozilla has released "Broadway," a native JavaScript-based H.264 decoder that
Chrome and Safari do not allow the tag to autoplay on mobile.
Bandwidth still used -Battery devastated - Page janks - Only the bad players get to play video.
Better security Control over resizing Ability to cleanly unload

Taught by


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