Making Windows 7 SP1 Boot CD/DVD/USB with Winbuilder

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Windows Courses

Course Description


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Learn how to create bootable Windows 7 SP1 32/64-bit media using Winbuilder in this comprehensive 57-minute tutorial. Explore the process of building custom boot CDs, DVDs, or USB flash drives to run Windows-specific security and forensics tools. Discover the advantages of using Windows 7-based boot media over older alternatives like Bart's PE builder or UBDC4Win. Follow step-by-step instructions for downloading necessary components, setting up Winbuilder, and customizing your boot media. Gain insights into adding drivers, selecting scripts, and incorporating essential tools and portable applications. Additionally, learn how to dual-boot your custom Windows 7 media with Backtrack 5 on the same USB or DVD for enhanced versatility in security and forensics tasks.


Why care?
Basic Layout
A few notes on the Windows and AV settings
Things to download Windows 7 x6 (32bit) or x64 (64bit) media
Install Windows Automated Installation Kit for Windows 7 (WAIK)
Copy your Windows 7 install media to some directory
Place WinBuilder
Run WinBuilder
Demo Video: Download the project
Choose a source
2. Add Drivers
4,5 Script Options
Hit play and hope for the best
Other popups
Demo Video: Setting Source, Changing Settings
WinBuilder Scripts
A few key tools
Portable Apps
Selecting Offline Profiles
Adding Files
Saving your WinBuilder project for later USB creation
Putting Konboot on a USB
More resources
Booting Demos

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