Make a Python Website as Fast as Possible

Offered By: Tech with Tim via YouTube


Python Courses Web Development Courses Javascript Courses Flask Courses HTML Courses JSON Courses

Course Description


Learn how to rapidly create a Python website using Flask in this comprehensive tutorial video. Set up your development environment, configure Flask, create views and routes, render HTML, work with template variables, handle URL and query parameters, return and process JSON data, implement redirects, add JavaScript functionality, and utilize template inheritance. Follow along with step-by-step instructions and code examples to build a functional web application from scratch in just 22 minutes.


| Overview
| Environment Setup
| Flask Setup
| Creating Views/Routes
| Rendering HTML
| Template Variables
| URL Parameters
| Query Parameters
| Returning JSON
| Getting JSON Data
| Redirect
| Adding JavaScript
| Template Inheritance

Taught by

Tech With Tim

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