Major Migrations Made Easy

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Spring Framework Courses Micronaut Courses Quarkus Courses Log4j Courses AssertJ Courses JVM (Java Virtual Machine) Courses OpenRewrite Courses

Course Description


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Discover how to effortlessly perform major migrations in your Java projects with OpenRewrite. Learn about a powerful tool that combines fine-grained recipes to achieve large-scale migrations of frameworks and tools related to the JVM. Explore how OpenRewrite's use of an abstract syntax tree guarantees safe refactorings. Gain insights into upgrading popular frameworks like Spring, Micronaut, and Quarkus, as well as adopting JUnit 5 and switching to AssertJ. Find out how to replace Log4j with Logback and fix Checkstyle violations in minutes. Uncover the world of quick and easy migrations that can help you keep your projects up-to-date with the latest technologies without the usual time and effort constraints.


Major migrations made easy by Tim te Beek

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