Mad Mavericks and The Art of Hiring Crazy

Offered By: TEDx via YouTube


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Discover the power of unconventional thinking in this 15-minute TEDx talk by Paul Forrest, a multi-talented professional who has advised some of the world's most recognized brands. Explore the concept of "hiring crazy" and how embracing mavericks can lead to incredible business growth and success. Learn from Forrest's diverse experiences as an ultrarunner, track and field coach, course tutor at LSE, award-winning filmmaker, and self-proclaimed "professional misfit." Gain insights into how thinking outside the box and nurturing unique talents can drive innovation and make a significant impact in various fields, from business to sports and the arts. Be inspired by Forrest's eternal optimism and passion for purpose as he shares his mission to inspire and transform lives through unconventional approaches to hiring and leadership.


Mad Mavericks & The Art of Hiring Crazy | Paul Forrest | TEDxUniversityofEssex

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