Machine Learning Projects - End to End in Python
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
ML Project in Hindi: Directing Customers To Subscription Through Financial App Behavior Analysis 01.
ML Project in Hindi: Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning Classifier 02.
ML Project Deployment Using Flask with Heroku: Breast Cancer Detection App Using Machine Learning.
ML Project in Hindi | Kaggle Competition: House Price Prediction-Advance Regression Technique.
Machine Learning Project End To End Till Deployment in Hindi | Student Mark Prediction in Python.
ML Project Deployment Using Flask on Local Machine | Student Mark Predictor App | Machine Learning.
ML Project Deployment on AWS EC2 Instance Using Flask |Student Mark Predictor App | Machine Learning.
Bangalore House Price Prediction Machine Learning Project till Deployment | Data Science Project.
First Deep Learning Project End to End in Hindi | Fashion-MNIST | Neural Network | Machine Learning.
Support Vector Regression Algorithm in Detail in Hindi | Data Science | Machine Learning Tutorial.
#1 Deep Learning Project using Convolutional Neural Network | Fashion MNIST Classification in Hindi.
#2 Deep Learning Project: How to use Google Colab in Hindi | CNN - Fashion MNIST Classification.
#3 Deep Learning Project using Convolutional Neural Network | Fashion MNIST Classification in Hindi.
#4 Deep Learning Project using Convolutional Neural Network | Fashion MNIST Classification in Hindi.
#5 Deep Learning Project using CNN: Test & Evaluate Model | Fashion MNIST Classification in Hindi.
#6 Deep Learning Project using CNN: Confusion Matrix & Classification Report in Hindi |Fashion-MNIST.
#7 Save & Load Keras / TensorFlow Model in Hindi - Deep Learning Project using CNN |Machine Learning.
#8 Deep Learning Project using Convolutional Neural Network | Fashion MNIST Classification in Hindi.
1: Horse or Human Prediction Deep Learning | Machine Learning Project | Computer Vision in Hindi.
2: Horse or Human Prediction Deep Learning | Machine Learning Project | Computer Vision in Hindi.
3: Horse or Human Prediction Deep Learning | Machine Learning Project | Computer Vision in Hindi.
4: Horse or Human Prediction Deep Learning | Machine Learning Project | Computer Vision in Hindi.
5: Horse or Human Prediction Deep Learning | Machine Learning Project | Computer Vision in Hindi.
6: Horse or Human Prediction Deep Learning | Machine Learning Project | Computer Vision in Hindi.
7: Horse or Human Prediction Deep Learning | Machine Learning Project | Computer Vision in Hindi.
Toor/Arhar Plant Disease Prediction using Artificial Intelligence | AI in Agriculture Project.
Deploy TensorFlow Keras Model on AWS | 8: Horse or Human Prediction Deep Learning Project in Hindi.
How to Install TensorFlow & Keras in Local Computer || GPU & CPU || Deep Learning | Machine Learning.
Build Your Own Face Detection App in Just 5 Minutes | FaceApp Project | Computer Vision | OpenCV.
Cotton Plant Disease Prediction &Cure App using Artificial Intelligence | AI in Agriculture Project.
VGG16 Convolution Neural Network Architecture explain with Practical in Hindi | Deep Learning | AI.
Resnet50 Convolution Neural Network Architecture Explain In Hindi | Object Detection | Deep Learning.
InceptionV3 CNN Architecture Explain In Hindi | Object Detection | Computer Vision | Deep Learning.
Build Your Own Live Car Detection App in 7 Minutes | Computer Vision | OpenCV | AI Project.
Build Your Own Live Body Detection App in 7 Minutes | Computer Vision | OpenCV | AI Project.
Build Your Own Live Video To Draw Sketch App In 6 Minutes | Computer Vision | OpenCV | AI Project.
#3Cotton Plant Disease Prediction &Cure App Model Building using CNN | AI in Agriculture Project.
#4 AI Model Deployment Cotton Plant Disease Prediction & Cure App | AI in Agriculture Project.
#3 Live Face Mask Detection AI App Project | Computer Vision | Deep Learning | Indian AI Production.
Top 10 Indian YouTuber Recognizer AI APP | Data Science App | Machine Learning APP.
Deployment of AI Project In Edge Devices | Everything About Edge Devices | IoT Project.
MASK R-CNN Inference on Google Colab | Deep Learning | Computer Vision | AI.
Best Instance Segmentation Models | Computer Vision | Deep Learning | Machine learning.
Taught by
Indian AI Production
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