Application of Scattering Parameters to DPL Time-Lag Parameter Estimation Using MEMS Structures

Offered By: HyperComplex Seminar via YouTube


Microelectronics Courses Heat Transfer Courses Dielectrics Courses MEMS Courses

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Explore a 28-minute conference talk from the HyperComplex Seminar 2023 that delves into the application of scattering parameters for estimating dual-phase-lag (DPL) time-lag parameters using micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) structures. Learn about the development and fabrication of a dedicated MEMS test structure designed for material parameter estimation in the DPL model at the nanoscale for modern integrated circuit (IC) structures. Discover the temperature time-lag estimation procedure for dielectrics based on electric scattering parameters measured by a vector network analyzer, combined with the 2-omega method. Gain insights into this highly accurate methodology for estimating time-lag parameters, applicable to various insulation materials used in IC manufacturing processes, such as silicon dioxide, silicon nitride, titanium nitride, and hafnium dioxide. Understand the relevance of this research in the context of classical/quantum electronics and machine learning, as presented in Session C2 & B of the seminar.


M. Zubert, Application of Scattering Parameters to The DPL Time-Lag Param Estimation using MEMS Str.

Taught by

HyperComplex Seminar

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