Emergent Mechanical Properties of Biological Tissues - Part I (July 14, 2024)

Offered By: BSS Physics School via YouTube


Biophysics Courses Complex Systems Courses Cell Biology Courses Mechanics Courses Soft Matter Physics Courses Tissue Mechanics Courses

Course Description


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Explore the emergent mechanical properties of biological tissues in this comprehensive lecture by M. Lisa Manning. Delve into cutting-edge research and gain insights into the complex behavior of biological systems. Access supplementary materials, problem sets, and additional resources to enhance your understanding of this fascinating topic. Part of the BSS Physics School curriculum, this 90-minute session offers a deep dive into the intersection of physics and biology, providing valuable knowledge for researchers and students alike.


M. Lisa Manning - Emergent mechanical properties of biological tissues I (July 14, 2024)

Taught by

BSS Physics School

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