Lung Physiology Basics - Normal Quiet Breathing

Offered By: Medicosis Perfectionalis via YouTube


Respiratory Physiology Courses Pulmonology Courses

Course Description


Explore the fundamentals of lung physiology in this 29-minute video focusing on normal quiet breathing. Delve into the mechanics of inhalation (inspiration) and exhalation (expiration), examining how air enters and leaves the lungs. Discover the crucial roles played by the diaphragm, external intercostal muscles, and internal intercostal muscles in the breathing process. Learn about key concepts such as diffusion, elastic recoil, types of pressure, and airway resistance. Gain insights into the main functions of the lungs and the differences between CO2 and oxygen transport. Enhance your understanding of pulmonology through this comprehensive overview of lung physiology basics.


Main Job of the Lung
Co2 vs Oxygen
Elastic Recoil
Words of Wisdom
Inspiration vs Expiration
Fun Fact
Types of Pressure
Airway Resistance

Taught by

Medicosis Perfectionalis

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