An Excursion into Mean Curvature Flow

Offered By: Centre de recherches mathématiques - CRM via YouTube


Mean Curvature Flow Courses Differential Geometry Courses Geometric Analysis Courses Regularity Theory Courses Hypersurfaces Courses

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Embark on a guided tour through selected topics in the regularity theory of mean curvature flow with this illuminating conference talk by Lu Wang from Yale University. Explore the concept of mean curvature flow as the negative gradient flow of the area functional, where a family of hypersurfaces flows in the direction of steepest descent for area. Discover how singularities may develop in a mean curvature flow before it becomes extinct in finite time. Gain insights into the distinctions between flows of one dimension and higher dimensions. Delivered as part of the Nirenberg Conference in Geometric Analysis at the Centre de recherches mathématiques, this 59-minute presentation offers a deep dive into this fascinating area of mathematical research.


Lu Wang: An Excursion into Mean Curvature Flow

Taught by

Centre de recherches mathématiques - CRM

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