Modelling of Soft-Particle Production from PP to AA Collisions in QCD Event Generators

Offered By: Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube


Particle Physics Courses Monte Carlo Simulation Courses QCD Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intricacies of soft-particle production modeling in QCD event generators, spanning from proton-proton (pp) to nucleus-nucleus (AA) collisions. Delve into advanced concepts and techniques presented in this comprehensive 1 hour and 35 minute lecture by Lonnblad at the Galileo Galilei Institute. Gain valuable insights into the complexities of particle physics simulations and their applications in understanding collision events across different scales.


Lonnblad:"Modelling of soft-particle production from pp to AA collisions in QCD event generators"IV

Taught by

Galileo Galilei Institute

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