Modelling of Soft-Particle Production from PP to AA Collisions in QCD Event Generators
Offered By: Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the intricacies of soft-particle production modeling in QCD event generators, spanning from proton-proton (pp) to nucleus-nucleus (AA) collisions. Delve into the complex world of quantum chromodynamics as presented in this comprehensive 1 hour and 34 minute lecture by Lonnblad at the Galileo Galilei Institute. Gain insights into the latest techniques and approaches used to simulate particle interactions across various collision types, enhancing your understanding of high-energy physics and computational modeling in particle physics research.
Lonnblad:"Modelling of soft-particle production from pp to AA collisions in QCD event generators"III
Taught by
Galileo Galilei Institute
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