Long Jumping Linux 2.6 to 5.10 - Upgrading Legacy Devices

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Embedded Systems Courses Yocto Project Courses

Course Description


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Explore the challenges and techniques involved in upgrading Linux kernels from version 2.6 to 5.10 for long-term deployed devices in this informative conference talk. Learn about the importance of kernel upgrades for extending software and product lifetimes, particularly for devices in the field for 15+ years. Discover the experiences and methods used to upgrade three specific devices based on ARMv4 (AT91RM9200), ARMv5 (AT91SAM9260), and PowerPC MPC8321 architectures. Gain insights into creating Board Support Packages (BSP) using Yocto and understand the benefits of newer kernels, including improved maintainability, security fixes, and access to modern features.


Long Jumping Linux 2.6...5.10 - Parthiban Nallathambi, Linumiz

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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