Logic Gates, Truth Tables, Boolean Algebra - AND, OR, NOT, NAND & NOR
Offered By: The Organic Chemistry Tutor via YouTube
Course Description
- Intro to Binary Numbers.
- The Buffer Logic Gate Using Transistors & LEDS.
- The NOT Gate With Truth Table.
- The AND Logic Gate Using Two Transistors In Series.
- The OR Logic Gate Using Two Transistors In Parallel.
- The NAND Logic Gate.
- The NOR Logic Gate.
- How To Write a Function Given Block Diagrams With AND & OR Gates.
- Writing a Function of a Multi-Level Circuit Diagram.
- How To Draw a Block Diagram Given The Function.
- Identifying Sum of Products Expressions (SOP).
- Identifying Product of Sums Expressions (POS).
- Identifying The Number of Product Terms, Sum Terms, Literals, Variables, Minterms, and Maxterms.
- Rules of Boolean Algebra.
- Commutative Property.
Taught by
The Organic Chemistry Tutor
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